Since the 1970's Bud Nosen Models has been the number one supplier of AAA Balsawood,
Basswood, Hardwoods, Plywood, Spruce and dowels.
All of our wood products are available barcoded, or we are happy to supply unmarked wood.
Either way, we're there to support you in this demanding market.
Basswood, Hardwoods, Plywood, Spruce and dowels.
All of our wood products are available barcoded, or we are happy to supply unmarked wood.
Either way, we're there to support you in this demanding market.
Our AAA Balsawood is kiln-dried product from various South American mills. Balsa wood has a high strength to weight ratio and is the desired species for many modeling projects.
Balsawood is also used for many types of crafts and architectural projects due to the ease in workability, cutting easily with a hobby knife.
We are proud to state Bud Nosen Models offers a large selection of sizes and shapes to suit every modeler's needs.
Balsawood is also used for many types of crafts and architectural projects due to the ease in workability, cutting easily with a hobby knife.
We are proud to state Bud Nosen Models offers a large selection of sizes and shapes to suit every modeler's needs.

Pictured: A modeler works on a vintage Bud Nosen Models trainer wing in his shop!
NOTE: Bud Nosen Models is not making model kits any longer, though a few exist in the wild still!
Whether it's model airplanes or architectural models, hobbyists or professional builders,
we have what you need to bring your projects to life!